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Broomall Pediatric Associates PA

Joseph Becker, DO, FAAP

Joseph Becker, DO, FAAP


To the Families of Advocare Broomall Pediatrics,

As a 26 year old intern, I made the decision to become a pediatrician. Forty years later, I still feel it was a great choice. I have been truly privileged to practice a profession I love. Pediatrics for me has been stimulating, challenging, and frankly often just fun. I have been able to learn something new almost daily, often from the children themselves.

I have been supported in my past thirty years by a talented group of professionals at Advocare Broomall Pediatrics, especially those in our West Goshen office. They have become a second family and friends. My wife, Patricia, has been there for me during every step of my career, and I can’t thank her enough for her patience and help. My own sons daily reminded me of what it means to be a family and a parent.  And to each of the families I have cared for, thank you for making me a better doctor and person. It has been a joy and an incredible experience to share in your children’s lives. And I can think of no better compliment than your confidence to entrust your children to my care. 

This was not an easy decision, but I will retire at the end of 2020. I wish each and every family the best and again thank you for being my patients.

Joseph Becker DO FAAP


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